Puppies are in the future.

After a very lengthy breeding with Belle Starr and Shadow, we saw puppies on the ultrasound. Phew!!  The ultrasound showed seven puppies. Her last litter as well showed seven puppies and she had eleven.  So since that was quite a chore for Belle Starr and humans as well, we would be pleased with seven or eight.  It doesn't matter how many, we just pray for healthy puppies.  Will love whatever comes our way.  Puppies become part of one's family, just like children.  They each have their own personalities, faults, and looks. It has been an awesome experience to watch Belle Starr's last litter grow and become these different little dogs.  They seem to all be in between the size of Belle Starr and Shadow which is quite interesting.  It will be interesting to see what they are like at a year old.  Fun! Fun!  I'm amazed at what good parents they are and still are with the Strom Trooper.  He is always laying with mom, dad, or both.  They love spending time together and love on another.  Belle Starr and Shadow are also very good with the little Cassiopeia (our 3 month old lab we bought for future breeder) and she is a jumper and biter.  All the dogs put up with her shenigans and have excepted her to the pack. So now to get all the things done I need to get done before the little bundles of fur arrive.  For I know that everything will be set aside during those first few weeks.   Some Family Time at Happy Labs Kennel