It's been a long time coming, but the website is finally ready. True it needs more work but I'm feeling confident that it will flourish. Just in time for a weekend of dog shows. That's another whole world. Bathing two labs in a kids swimming pool is a soaking experience. Then with shedding season, it turns into hair ball city. Fortunately they are labs, so they don't mind the bath. Now its time for me to pack the things for the dog show before I get some much needed rest. Let's see, packing a bag for the dogs is like packing a diaper bag. Put in treats, wash cloth, treats, comb, more treats, blanket, treats, show leads, treats... It's amazing how many treats they eat during one show. And of course you have to get the expensive quiet eating ones. Their favorite is the peanut butter Gooberlicous. I've not tasted them myself, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are healthier than some things humans eat. Wish us luck in our weekend shows. We are showing in Spokane tomorrow and Sunday, then in Couer d'Alene Monday and Tuesday.